Otrzymaliśmy od Pana Jana Edh ze Szwecji maila z informacją iż odebrał audycję Twojego Radia Ozorków. Pan Jan od ponad 50 lat prowadzi nasłuchy stacji radiowych przede wszystkim z centralnej Europy.
Miejscowość Hudiksvall (http://goo.gl/maps/FBuo) w którek mieszka Pan Jan jest oddalona od Ozorkowa o prawie 1100 km.
Audycję Twojego Radia Ozorków odebrał 3 listopada 2010 r. o godz. 17 na częstotliwości 1584 kHz.
Poniżej nagrana audycja a w dalszej części wiadomości oryginalny email po angielsku.
Report of reception
To: Twoje radio, Ozorkow
From: Jan Edh
Fiskaregatan 9
S-824 52 Hudiksvall
E-mail: jan.edh@bredband.net
It is with great pleasure that I can report my reception of your broadcasting station on 1584 kHz on November 3rd., 2010 at 17.00 your time in Poland
Details from your program to prove that I have really heard your station:
Remarks on reception quality:
17.00 Ku-ku bird and identifying as Twoje Radio Ozkorow. Polish music.
SINPO code (Signal strength, Interference (from other stations), Noise, Propagation disturbances (fading), Overall merit) where 1 is low and 5 is perfect: 43433.
My reception was achieved by a software defined receiver, RF Space model SPR IQ and a Beverege antenna 400 m eters, directed towards the central part of Europe.
Personal information:
I am 66 years old and have been a DX-er since I was 15 years old, although the listening have been a little sporadic the last years. Nowadays I am not so heavly busy in my profession, and have taken up my DX-ing again, and also writes reports of reception, hoping for verification (QSL) again. Since before I have some 1450 stations from 223 countries verified.
I have been working as a journalist for 43 years, but since some months I am now retired. 24 of the years as worked as the managing editor. For some years I was also the managing editor for the local windows of Radio Rix, a commercial FM radio station. Besides of that I was one of the crew for Radio Dellen, a local event stations that broadcasted some weeks every year early in the 2000-ies. Radio Dellen was transmitting with 500 Watt in mediumwave 1602 kHz.
The last years before my retirement, however, I worked only part time and then having time for my family (my wife and my 17 years old son who is studying music) and of course also for my hobby dx-ing.
My listening is mainly done from a schack in Fredriksfors, some 30 km west of Hudiksvall, where we are five friends renting a small house in the countryside where we have plenty of space for Beverege antennas in ?most? (nine) directions.
My hometown Hudiksvall is a small town situated some 300 km north of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and has some 38 000 inhabitants. Here we have some pretty big and wellknown industry plants as Iggesund Timber (a big sawmill), Iggesund Paper (plastic laminated cardboard paper), Hiab (hydraulic cranes for trucks) and Ericsson Network Technologies (optocable). All of them are big exporters with most of their markets abroad.
If the information given in this report of reception corresponds to your station log, I would appreciate very much to receive your verification (QSL). Such a verification would also be a nice rememberence of this contact with your station.
Please reply to:
Jan Edh, Fiskaregatan 9, S-824 52 Hudiksvall, Sweden.
Yours sincerely